Top 6 Basic Tips on Candid Photography.

1 Lose the Flash
If you want to go unseen, widen your aperture and raise your ISO. You will be able to take well exposed photos in low light conditions such as indoors.

 2 Carry your Camera Everywhere
If you want to get good photos, especially when it comes to shooting candid photos, you have to actually take your camera out of the house. You’ll start to feel more comfortable with taking photos of strangers.
 3 Use a Telephoto Lens
Telephoto lenses are a great way to go unnoticed. You can stand really far away and still capture a subject as though you were up close. Telephoto lenses also force the perspective onto your subject, making it less about the scene and more about the person.
 4 Position Yourself strategically
While Candid Photography is about capturing the spontaneity of a moment and getting that perfect shot at the right split second of time, think ahead and anticipate what is about to unfold in front of you that you can greatly increase the chances of getting some great shots.
 5 Shoot from the Hip
If your subject is aware that you’re there and that you have your camera out they might tense up or act a little unnaturally as they see you raising your camera to the eye. The beauty of digital cameras is that it doesn’t cost you anything to take lots of shots and it can be well worth shooting without raising your camera. To do this most effectively you might want to set your lens to a wider angle setting to make up for any aiming problems you might have.
 6 Keep Quiet and Blend in
This is especially important if you’re working on a corporate job as it’s best to go unnoticed so that you don’t distract from the main event. Move slowly and quietly, and blend in by wearing similar clothes to the people you will be taking photos of.

The review is written by CineCraft Academy of Film and Television. Do the films speak to you? Do you want to be a part of the entertainment industry or do you want to make impact films? Whatever the reason, the one place that will give you the right push is CineCraft Academy of Film and Television, Pune.
We are the premiere institute for Film making in Pune. Our direction course will ensure you are capable of making your own films.
Beauty lies in the beholder. The one who captures the essence of a film is the cinematographer. We have the leading Cinematography course in Pune.
Our acting and modelling course in Pune has launched many actors in the industry. Not only do we have film making courses but also, we have experienced faculties for editing and VFX, Autodesk smoke etc. We are the number one choice for Photography course in Pune.
At CineCraft Academy of Film and Television, you enter as a novice and come out a Film aficionado.
- Milind Rokae 


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